


Change is not easy. The discipline and determination that it takes to
develop a new habit or upgrade an old one is a challenge in itself,
let alone integrating the new change to make it a habit.

This top ten list is the compilation of the steps that are a part of
any process of upgrading who we are, which include the following components... 

1. Discontentment.
You know, that restlessness that lets you know that all is not right
and that change is necessary.

2. Define the change needed.
Identify what is needed and what it will take to improve the

3. Delay gratification.
Delay gratification in order to listen to the inner wisdom that can
provide the answers you need.

4. Plan.
Formulate a Plan of Action that will propel you towards your goals.

5. Take action.
It's important to begin the change, once a plan of action is

6. Review.
Stop what you are doing, on a consistent basis, to evaluate whether
your action is working. If not, make the necessary changes.

7. Navigational changes/flexibility.
Be ready to make small shifts along the way to your goals;
flexibility is crucial.

8. Acknowledge the small stuff.
Give yourself credit for the small changes that are taking you to the
finish line!

9. Stay the course.
Don't quit, whatever you do -- you're too close now!

10. CELEBRATE a job well done!
You have achieved a new goal and birth of a new habit that will help
you be the best you can be this year.

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