
Little things mean a lot

Take advantage of the suggestions that only free up a minute or two, not just those designed to salvage big chunks of time. The minutes add up. Here are five quick tips that conserve seconds or minutes might eventually add up to hours. Check off those that seem workable and put them into practice.

1. If you think of things to do while you're away from the office, leave messages on your own voice mail.

2. Schedule off-site meetings at the beginning or the end of the day to avoid breaking up the day's momentum.

3. Record a “throw-out date” on all paperwork before filing it to make it easy when purging files.

4. Print meeting guidelines on the backs of tent cards (name cards) so that participants can review them before the meeting starts.

5. Locate your in-basket outside your office or away from your work area so people won't have to interrupt you when they deliver paperwork.


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